Saturday 24 November 2012

Get Interested

One of my goals this month was to write/blog more often. Nov. 24th.... better late than never!

Another goal this month was to finish reading a book I started a few months ago, but put away for awhile. It's called 'The Happiness Project', written by Gretchen Rubin. I've never been one for self-help books, but what I've liked about this one so far, is that the author gives you insight to her 'happiness project', while remaining adamant that this is what worked for her - and the reader is welcome to try it themselves; however, they should tinker with the 'formula' and find their own happiness project. What works for one person, may not be the perfect solution for another.

That being said - I've found many things that have provided excellent insight and advice to finding more joy in my life, though not everything in the book has been a 'eureka' moment, or something I would agree with.

This morning, I came up with my own rule that will help keep my house cleaner! I love deadlines. I love the feeling of getting things done on a deadline, and also the adrenaline of doing things by a certain time. So, my plan is, once a day, to set my alarm for exactly 15 minutes. In those 15 minutes, I will get as much cleaning done as possible... But when the alarm goes off, I have to stop everything I'm doing. I hate cleaning with a fiery passion. But when I do get to it, I get obsessive about it and then do it for hours, which makes me resent it even more. This way, I'll get a little bit done each day, and won't immediately feel like I'm losing hours of time once I begin cleaning. Hopefully this works!

Today however, I decided I want to focus a bit on something in the book that really stood out to me. Finding time for fun. As a certified musical theatre dork, I think, 'Well, what I do is already fun, and in my spare time, I have even more fun going to shows, listening to old and new cast recordings, and watching 'Submissions Only'!' ...However, this is a different kind of fun. It's a kind of fun that is completely separate from things that pertain to my everyday life. Really, I suppose it's the things we do as hobbies. But do I honestly take the time for that? Do a lot of us? Probably not. We all have things that we do for pleasure; reading, watching TV, spending time with our friends, and the like - but how often do we read something in a magazine more than once that we find interesting, yet still ignore it? Or find ourselves saying "I've always wanted to learn a certain skill", or "start an art collection", or whatever it may be?

These things that we connect to and would like to do end up being put on the back burner because they are less necessary than our "official projects" that pertain to our day to day lives. In Rubin's book, she suggests forming your own 'INTEREST LOG', a place where one can write down things that naturally catch one's attention, instead of forgetting it and moving on to the next order of business in the day. I love this idea. There are multiple things I'm fascinated by, that I want to learn more about, and that I'd love to do..... and never honestly take the time to give them a second thought. So, here is the beginning of my own Interest Log. I'm excited to see where it takes me, both for remembering things I am interested in - and also for making the time to delve further into these subjects. I'm sure there'll be lots added to this list in the next few days. And if you feel like it - start your own! See where it takes you.

- Sign language
- Learning French, Italian, and Romanian
- Learning properly about wine and cheese
- Both the history and the current affairs of Israel
- My ancestry on both sides of my family
- Table etiquette
- Collecting 'Beauty and the Beast' mugs and Christmas ornaments
- Learning how to drive (yes, I'm 26 and still only have my learner's permit)
- ...more to come!

1 comment:

    It's wonderful. The ringer goes off and I truly just drop everything I was doing. It has made a huge difference in my life.
